Each year we do two fall/winter community initiatives during the November holiday and December holidays. Please read more about each of our seasonal initiatives to see how you can make a difference during the holidays-- regardless of what you choose to celebrate! All contributions to our initiatives are tax-deductable!!

In November, we provide meals to families. Each year we strive to serve even more families than we did the year before! Below you will see "Adopt-A-Family: Holiday Meal Nomination Form" If you would like to nominate a family that you know could use a complete meal for 4+ people this November holiday, please complete the form below. We ask that you do not nominate your own family because this is to bolster our friends and neighbors. If you'd like for your family to be nominated, please discuss with your support systems. Additional information about our Holiday Meals can be found here.
Remember to sign up to prep/deliver meals before it's too late!

In December, we choose a small group, usually an apartment complex or other service group, within our community to provide gifts for the children within that group. Below you will see "Adopt-A-Wishlist: Sponsor Form". If you would like to sponsor a child's Winter Wishlist this holiday season, please complete the form below. Additional information can be found here.

We are always accepting donations for these initiatives. All donations and contributions are 100% tax-deductible! This could be your last chance this year to contribute to your community for a healthier, brighter tomorrow.
Read about all our Adopt-A-Neighbor Initiatives here. 


Hub City Outreach Center will not be providing Programs and Services starting Fall 2024 and until further notice. We have disabled our inquiry buttons during this time.