Prevention may be everything you've been looking for...

Join us on the brighter side of things! A Substance Use Disorder Prevention specialist is a behavioral health professional who has competency related to alcohol, tobacco and drug use prevention, related risk factors, and who provides services that help individuals, families and communities to develop the capacities needed to achieve behavioral health and wellness.  Prevention Specialists deliver evidence-based prevention programming in a wide range of settings including schools, community centers, youth-serving organizations, workplaces, health care centers, behavioral health programs, mental health programs, community based organizations, prevention coalitions and other coalitions.

If you were gifted with patience, energy and enjoy planning, organizing, coordinating, implementing prevention programs to educate youth and adults about substance abuse and other high-risk activities; as well as, networking with other agencies and community members to encourage a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle, please check out our available positions below.

Please be sure to bring your resume, a cover letter and your completed application to
4 Briercroft Office Park, Lubbock TX 79412
or email your packet to:

Currently Hiring:
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