Obtaining an education means more than just the basics.

While learning math, science and all the other subjects in grade-school, youth are also developing social skills, identifying their learning styles, discovering what it means to be a friend and more....in addition to life changes, body changes, typical growing-up stressors and more... We strive to do our part to assist youth in achieving wellness by hosting Back-to-School Bashes! These events are held in around Fall semester, before the school year begins and are for K-12 students and their family. We invite YOU to enjoy the free backpacks, school supplies, hygiene items, amazing local resources,  yummy food, games, music and more!
Not only do our Back-to-School events equip students with school supplies, but also local resources to ensure they're ready for anything life throws at them in the coming year.
Youth must be present to receive the items given out at this event.

We're back and joining forces this year for the
City-Wide 2023 Back2School Bash!
RSVP & meet us at Mahon Public Library on 8/11 from 4p-6p!

Friday, August 11th, 2023 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at Mahon Public Library (1306 9th St. Lubbock, TX).


Hub City Outreach Center is implementing our classic RSVP-Raffle incentive, which can be found HERE!! RSVP for your family and receive one raffle ticket per youth. As always, the raffle tickets do not guarantee supplies! RSVP = ticket to win prizes. RSVPing is not required but strongly encouraged!


Want to see photos from previous Back-To-School Events?

2018 1st Annual Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway

2019 2nd Annual Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway

2020 Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway was a virtual scavenger hunt!

2021 Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway cancelled due to COVID!

2022 3rd Annual Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway