DETERRA is the solution for
safe medication disposal!
Deterra is on a mission to prevent drug abuse and protect our environment through safe, permanent disposal of unused prescription and over the counter medications. Hub City Outreach Center is giving these to you FOR FREE!!! The Deterra Drug Deactivation and Disposal System is the only product that is independently tested and scientifically proven to destroy drugs for good. Their patented, easy-to-use drug disposal system can be used at home or in a clinical setting to safely destroy unused or expired medications, making them unavailable for misuse and safe for disposal in the normal trash. Here's a quick video to help you learn more! Get yours today by completing the form below. We'll teach you how to use it when we give it to you. If you forget how to use the Deterra Pouch, here's a how-to video!
How disposing of medications improperly effects our lives:
- Personally: Unused prescription drugs pose a risk of abuse and accidental poisoning, but improper disposal can harm the environment and contaminate our water supply. Deterra Pouches are a convenient, environmentally sound option for proper drug disposal right at home.
- Healthcare: Healthcare professionals are at the forefront of the fight against prescription drug misuse. Deterra’s drug disposal products help patients and healthcare facilities prevent misuse and diversion, while being compliant with many drug disposal laws.
- Environment: Pharmaceuticals can pollute our water and unintentionally expose us to the chemicals in these medications. Recent studies have found that medicines flushed down the drain can contaminate our lakes and streams, which can hurt fish and other aquatic wildlife, and end up in our drinking water. Same for throwing medications away-- they can seep out of trash bags and into our ground water or end up in the wrong hands.
- Governments: Leftover prescription drugs fuel the US opioid crisis in our communities. Deterra is a proven, cost-effective prevention product used by law enforcement and government agencies nationwide to help keep unused medications out of the wrong hands and prevent addiction before it starts.
- Employment: Employee substance abuse costs employers time and money in lost productivity and increased medical & insurance costs. Protect your employees from the risk of drug abuse with a proven prevention solution and save your business money.