This page undergoes frequent minor changes.
Information below is all accurate.

Get involved in our inaugural cohort!

Our one-of-a-kind Mentoring Program is for individuals who identify as Femxle.
We respectfully acknowledge that not all womxn have periods, and not all people with periods identify as womxn. The structure of LeadHERship League addresses, eliminates and builds resiliency against internal and external barriers that identifying-femxles face, (since the beginning of time) as well as combating the four gaps we have identified in adolescent services in Lubbock County. 

We have conversations that we think are important, not taboo.

This page will soon house the applications for Mentors and Mentees.

Training & Support provided!
One year cohorts. Background checks required.
In-person or online compatibility available.
1x/weekly meeting @ 30 minutes minimum.
Monthly Wellness Conversations, Events, Resources & Feedback Survey.

Wellness Conversations revolve around the eight dimensions of wellness. Each month's topic will rotate between: Emotional / Mental, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social and Spiritual aspects of our unique lives as people who identify as Femxle.
Events are free, fun, local events or HCOC sponsored the Matches can attend if they choose.

Mentees: Age 13-20
Gain leadership skills, authentic feminine support
and an exclusive, powerful network.
A quality Mentee is one who is open to grow.

Mentors: Age 23+
Support the development of teen's life-skills and female-specific empowerment proficiencies within the eight dimensions of wellness. A quality Mentor seeks to help youth see and understand their individual potential and feel comfortable growing where they are planted. Vehicle required for in-person mentors.


* follow our Instagram in it's infancy! @leadHERshipleague or click here!

Wanna be a LeadHERship Leauge Member?